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Phone Camera
Pic-a-day 12/21/2014 | Pic-a-day 12/20/2014 | Pic-a-day 12/19/2014 day 3 | Pic-a-day 12/18/2014 - day 2 sourdough starter | Pic-a-day 12/12/2014 first pour of snot | Pic-a-day 12/08/2014 | Pic-a-day 12/6/2014 nailed it | Pic-a-day 12/1/2014 back in business | Pic-a-day 11/29/2014 | Pic-a-day 11/25/2014 |
Adult Decisions (Suck) 2006-03-25 |
I hate making adult decisions. This week's adult decision was to wait to return to school.
With BBCK at the tender age of 8, I can't imagine distancing myself from her at this point. I made this decision after I looked a little more deeply at the required schedule for part-time students in UT's Law School. The schedule requires 4 days of classes per week with classes ending at either 7:30, or 9:30. That would mean that, for example, Wednesday, I'd pick BBCK up at 8pm after my 7:30 class ended. Then, on thursday, she'd end up staying at her mom's because my class wouldn't end until 9:30. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I'd be able to spend with BBCK as per normal. Then, Monday, it'd be 8pm pick-up again. Tuesday, she'd stay with her mom as my class wouldn't end until 9:30 - again.
However, if I wait 3 more years, she'll likely be so busy with her own life that not seeing dad as much won't hurt as badly. So, that's where I stand. 3 years from now, I'll return to school and I'll be a lawyer 7 years from now.
I guess I'll have to make the most of the wind until then.
Part 2 Foxy!
I went to Pearson Metropark with BBCK and the two boys who live down the street We found 4 caches and had a blast. The best part of the day was when we saw this foxy little fella...
I don't think I've ever seen a red fox at any of the Toledo metroparks. The kids were very impressed and we sat and watched him until he was out of sight. I was really happy that when I whistled, he stopped and turned to look at us. That's when I snapped this pic - |